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Odinstal stands for crystal-clear wines and the highest sites in the Palatinate.
The winery benefits from the geological faults of the Rhine Graben. So it often happens that within a few hundred metres the soil varies enormously. Here at the Wachenheim winery, this phenomenon is taken to extremes on just five hectares. Andreas Schumann creates wines true to the terroir from basalt, shell limestone, Keuper and red sandstone.

Thomas Hensel and Andreas Schumann

Andreas Schumann is responsible for the small winery and lives the biodynamic, holistic idea like hardly anyone else. The farm manager works hand-in-hand with the winery owner Thomas Hensel. The winery has the clear advantage that it has no neighbours apart from woods and meadows. Biodynamics can take full effect here and is not impaired by the working methods in neighbouring vineyards.

Winery Odinstal

Photo: Odinstal Winery

More about Odinstal

More about Odinstal

Odinstal - the highest sites in the Palatinate

Schumann is committed to origin and authenticity. With the grape varieties Riesling, Silvaner, Pinot Blanc and Auxerrois, he plays with the different soil conditions in the winery.

Rarely does one experience a better comparison of different soils than when tasting his Rieslings from basalt, red sandstone and shell limestone. The comparison is worthwhile and offers exciting insights into personal preferences.

Both the Pinot Blanc and the Auxerrois come out very well in the different soil types. The wines need not fear comparison with the best growths of these varieties in the country.

The Odinstal vineyard is located high above Wachenheim, at an altitude of 350 metres, the highest sites in the Palatinate. The somewhat cooler environment thus ensures a slower ripening cycle for the vines. Andreas Schumann completed his training at the biodynamic Primus Winery Bürklin-Wolf in Wachenheim and also knows the conditions there very well.

At the top of Odinstal, you can watch your colleagues down in the valley begin the harvest and literally watch his vines slowly ripen. Andreas Schumann is also known as a curious, reflective winemaker. He likes to experiment with mash contact, amphora fermentation or significantly reducing the use of sulphur. Silvaner Nakt is a living example of this style, realised with a great deal of understanding and skill.

Impressions from the winery

Thomas and Ute Hensel with Andreas Schumann
Thomas and Ute Hensel†️ with Andreas Schumann

Biodynamics is understood as a holistic concept at Odinstal
Biodynamics is understood as a holistic concept at Odinstal

View of the winery and the monopollage

View of the winery and the monopollage

Selective hand harvest at Odinstal in Wachenheim
Selective hand harvest at Odinstal in Wachenheim