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Shipping methods

How does Living Wines ship?

Living Wines ships your wines by UPS within Germany, to countries in the European Union, Great Britain, Switzerland and some other countries in the world. Shipping takes place in secure UPS-certified boxes.

Tariffs for wine shipping

Delivery time in working days
delivery time (business days)
Germany1-38,95 €
European Union2-4from €17.00
Switzerland2-4from €25
Great Britain2-418,00 €
Japan2-4from €30.00
Northern Ireland2-415,00 €
Hong Kong2-4from €30.00
South Korea2-4from €30.00
Worldwide2-7from €30.00

Your country is not listed? We will try to find a way.
Please contact us at [email protected]

Shipping FAQ

With which service provider does Lebendige Weine ship?

We ship with UPS.

Is my wine insured?

Yes, your wines are insured against breakage or theft during shipping.

Are the bottles securely packed?

Your wine bottles are shipped by us exclusively in secure, UPS-certified cardboard boxes.