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The Ahr is one of the smallest German wine-growing regions with an area of just under 600 hectares. The wine region runs along the Rhine tributary of the same name. Despite its northern location (the area is more northerly than the Moselle, for example), viticulture here is dominated by the red grapes Pinot Noir and Frühburgunder dominates. 86% of the vineyards here are planted with red varieties - more than anywhere else in Germany.

It is assumed that winegrowing was already practiced in Roman times on the Ahr, as well as on the neighbouring Moselle. There is no definitive evidence of this. However, since 893 at the latest, documents from the Benedictine Abbey of Prüm document vineyards in eight villages along the Ahr.

Situated between latitudes 50° and 51° north, the Ahr is the northernmost region in the world dominated by red wine cultivation. This far north, a special microclimate is needed in the vineyards to bring red grapes to sufficient ripeness. Several vineyards here are said to have a Mediterranean microclimate.