Hello ,

In the wilds of the Libournais, where the earth tells stories of ancient battles and monumental depths of flavour, the Amoreau family has continued its legacy with Château le Puy and now with Closerie Saint Roc consolidated.

For over 400 years, through 15 generations, this family has mastered the art of viticulture, always with an eye on the Echo of nature in every drop. La Closerie Saint Roc, a place deeply rooted in history and terroir, produces wines that carry the whisper of the past and the purity of the land.

We at Living wines invite you to explore this heritage through an article in our journal and a carefully curated tasting pack. Step into the world of Closerie Saint Roc, where every sip tells a story.

Find out more about the timeless wines from Closerie Saint Roc in our Wine Journal.
Have a great Sunday and enjoy browsing!

Your team from
Hello ,

In the wilderness of Libournais, where the earth tells stories of ancient battles and monumental depth of taste, the Amoreau family has solidified its heritage with Château le Puy and now with Closerie Saint Roc.

For over 400 years, through 15 generations, this family has mastered the art of winemaking, always with an eye on the echo of nature in every drop. La Closerie Saint Roc, a place deeply rooted in history and terroir, produces wines that carry the whisper of the past and the purity of the land.

We at Living Wines invite you to explore this heritage through a feature in our journal and a carefully assembled tasting package. Step into the world of Closerie Saint Roc, where every sip tells a story.

Learn more about the timeless wines of Closerie Saint Roc in our wine journal.
Have a lovely Sunday!

Your team of
bottle of les noyes with glass andgrapses